We strive to support the early childhood workforce through a variety of professional development opportunities, including training, coaching, materials, and incentives, as well as supporting the expansion of the supply of quality, early learning centers.
Professional Learning Communities: First 5 Yuba offers free, monthly professional development opportunities on a range of topics. PLCs are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month, from 9-10:30 am, in the Yuba County One Stop Building.
Upcoming Topics Include:
August 12th: Domestic Violence Education and Awareness
September 9th: Strengthening Engagement with Tribal Families with Paul Tupaz
October 16th: Speech and Language Development: When is a Difference a Concern?
December 9th: Positive Parenting: VIPSs of Behavior and Regulation
January 13th: BrightLife Kids: Personalized Support for California Families
February 24th: The Grief Process of Children and Teens (Note: This is a 2 hour session)
These trainings are for:
Home Visitors
Childcare Providers
Medical Providers
Probation and Correctional Staff
Early Educators and anyone working with children 0-5 or their families!
For more information on Professional Learning Communities, or to RSVP, contact us today!
Technical Support and Training by Request​
Help Me Grow: As a provider (childcare, medical, home visitor, etc.) you are often a family's first resource in supporting the developmentally appropriate learning and growth of their child. Help Me Grow Yuba County can assist you, by answering questions and supporting you in accessing valuable community resources that help children's growth and development.
Help Me Grow offers the following:
Free training on the Ages and Stages Questionnaire from a certified ASQ trainer.
Access to the ASQ online platform for easy, paperless, personalized implementation
A FREE materials kit to support the implementation of ASQ screenings into your program.
Ongoing technical assistance and support with referrals & care coordination.
Healthy & Resilient Families: As a provider (childcare, medical, home visitor, etc.), you have a unique opportunity to improve health outcomes for children and families in our rural county by reducing exposure to 2nd and 3rd hand smoke. First 5 Yuba County has practical tools and systems in place to support family-serving agencies in accurately implementing or refining a best-practice, high-quality approach to tobacco screening, referral, education and cessation supports for staff and families.

The Keys to Quality Stipend Program is offered through the Child Care Planning Council and is funded in part by First 5 Yuba County. The program is dedicated to increasing the quality of early learning programs for children ages 0 to 5 and their families by supporting the education and professional development of an effective, well-compensated, and diverse early learning workforce.
The program offers stipends to childcare providers and early learning teaching staff in licensed and license-exempt settings, Family Childcare Providers, as well as Family, Friend, and Neighbor providers.
For more information, contact the Child Care Planning Council of Yuba-Sutter at (530) 749-4040, or visit their website.