School Readiness programs help young children develop socially, physically, emotionally, and intellectually by promoting positive one-to-one interactions between the parent or caregiver and providing both parent-centered and child-centered sessions on a variety of topics.
MJUSD: School Readiness Programs
MJUSD Child Development Program partners with First 5 Yuba and the Yuba County Office of Education to provide a free school readiness program to Yuba County children. The program targets children ages 0-5 and their family members and has been designed to promote parental resilience, social connections, knowledge of parenting and child development while promoting each child’s physical, social and emotional development.
Learn more about MJUSD's School Readiness and State Preschool Programs by visiting their Child Development Program website.
Or contact a School Readiness Outreach Specialist at one of the following school sites:
Ella Elementary, Maria Cabrera, 530-741-6124
Cedar Lane Elementary, Veronica Lepe, 530-749-6112
Linda Elementary, Lulu Vaca 530-741-6119
1, 2, 3 Grow at Camptonville
Camptonville Community Partnership partners with First 5 Yuba to provide "1,2,3 Grow," a parent/child enrichment and school readiness program offered Tuesday and Thursdays weekly from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on the Camptonville Elementary School campus.
For more information or to enroll, view the 1,2,3 Grow Brochure, or call (530) 288-9355.
ABC Sprout at YES Charter
YES Charter partners with First 5 Yuba County to provide a FREE School Readiness program. This program is a nature based educational program for children ages 0-5 in Yuba County. Caregivers stay on-site with their children to engage in nature based play activities, learn about developmental milestones, and take part in parent education opportunities. Sessions are held Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-11:30 am.
For more information, or to enroll, call (530) 692-2210 or e-mail [email protected]