The Commission strives to support local organizations and programs by making Prop 10 funds available for services that aim to benefit children prenatal to age five.
Closed: Mini-Grant Program
After much deliberation, due to a sharp decline in Tobacco Tax revenues, the Commission made the difficult decision to not fund the Mini-Grant program for this year.
First 5 Yuba continues to provide a variety of programming and community support for Yuba County families. We encourage you to stay connected through our monthly newsletter. Click here to subscribe.
Closed: Community Education and Outreach Sponsorship Program
Every fiscal year First 5 sets aside funding to sponsor local events and community activities. Event sponsorship is provided up to $1,000 per event. Sponsorships will be awarded until the current fiscal year’s budgeted sponsorship funds are depleted. First 5 will evaluate requests based on the event’s potential to serve children 0-5 and meet goals and priorities stated in Commission's Strategic Plan. A request for sponsorship does not guarantee award of funding.
Sponsorship Application
Sponsorship Guidelines

Strategic Partnership Program 
The First 5 Yuba County Children and Families Commission committed $1,341,000 of Proposition 10 funds for fiscal years 2021/2022 – 2023/2024. Strategic Partnerships were awarded in June 2021. View current funded partners here.
Unsolicited Funding Proposals
First 5 Yuba is not accepting unsolicited funding proposals at this time.